Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Counterfeit Kit August '17

Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot believe how long it's been since I blogged here! I have been minimally creative in the past few months, but most of what I make, I just snap a photo and post to instagram. Just easier, I guess. Anyway, it's about time I get into some challenges again, otherwise another year will pass by and I'll be even more behind,...

Thursday, September 29, 2016

"Smile" for Stuck?! Sketches and Counterfeit Kit Challenge Blog

  This layout actually started with the sketch! I saw this sketch from Stuck?! Sketches: and wanted to use it, so I went to the camera roll on my phone, and found these beauties from just last week, and thought they would work perfectly. From there, a layout was born! It was really fun to get messy with this layout. I started...

Thursday, September 22, 2016

"Back to School" for Let's Get Sketchy and Counterfeit Kit Challenge

I was kind of in the mood to scrap back to school photos, but I didn't have any printed from this year yet. Good thing I hadn't scrapped last year's photos, right?  This month, Let's Get Sketchy put out this lovely sketch:   It seemed to go with my pictures perfectly, although I decided to mirror the original.   Now those...

Friday, September 16, 2016

"Today" for Creative Scrappers #298

I finished this page this morning, yay! The photo is over two years old now, and my Brenna Bean can read chapter books all on her own - she picked up reading soooooo fast! It's amazing how little kids can soak up everything they learn like a sponge, isn't it?   Here's the sketch I used for inspiration from Creative Scrappers: I mirror-imaged...

Friday, September 9, 2016

September Counterfeit Kit

Wow, I'm so glad school has started up again! My kids were starting to get a bit stir crazy there, haha! But with the regular routine and cooler weather comes more time for scrapbooking, fingers crossed. One thing I love to do at the beginning of each month, whether I have a chance to play along or not, is check out the Counterfeit Kit Challenge...

Monday, August 22, 2016

"Roughing It" for LOAD Mini Summer Lovin' and Stuck?! Sketches

Well, I think this is it for my first LOAD (LayOut A Day, for those unfamiliar with the term). Unfortunately, I was not able to do a page for all seven days/prompts, but I did manage to do four, and for me, that is something of a record! I looooove how this one turned out, not gonna lie! I used up some newer supplies, including some papers from...

Friday, August 19, 2016

"Sand Sun Fun" for LOAD Mini Summer Lovin'

Hey everyone, I have some good news! I won a spot in Scrap Happy's "LOAD Mini Summer Lovin'" event this week from Alison at Alison Day Designs! How cool is that? This is the first time I've tried a LOAD, or LayOut A Day, so even though this is the fifth day, I'm still getting into the swing of things. The layout above is the third I've finished,...