A few people have said that they like looking at my list of books over in my sidebar, which is so cool! I've always been an avid reader, and I like books from many genres, but my last really exciting reads were surprising for me, because I wasn't expecting to like them so much.
First up is one from my library book club. We meet once a month and take turns choosing books. Last month was this one:
This book was just tremendous! I loved it, and I never would have chosen it on my own: weird title, and it's basically a compilation of letters, which I thought would be annoying, but for some reason worked really well. This is a definite must-read!!!
Next up is a series I got into by accident: The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare.

I don't mind admitting that I frequently choose books by their cover. When I picked up City of Bones last week, I didn't realize the target audience is teen girls, and I normally don't even go for urban fantasies, but for whatever reason, I bought it. After the first few pages, I realized it was probably going to be something like Twilight, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but again, not really what I was expecting. Well, I whipped through it in a couple of days, then bought City of Ashes and whipped through that one (it was even better!) and now I can't wait to get my hands on City of Glass. These books are not classic literature by any means, but are still a lot of fun, even if you're not into demons, vampires and werewolves.
Finally, I have one that I borrowed from the library and suggest you skip:

I don't really like the cover of this book, so I must've chosen it based on the title. I mean, this is so "me" right now: the main character is trying to fit in pre-pregnancy jeans, not sure if she wants to go back to work after mat leave, etc. But she's also really annoying. She whines about not having enought time to spend with her baby daughter, and yet she goes out binge-drinking with her girlfriends all the time. Ya can't have your cake and eat it too, Missy! Her misguided priorities and many, many typos made this one a pass for me.
It's my turn to choose the book at book club this month and I just started reading it. It's a debut novel from a Canadian author named Jessica Grant, and it's called "Come, Thou Tortoise". Now how's that for a title? I'll let you know how it was when I finish it!
Haven't they got some strange weird titles, and I have to admit too that I usually judge a book by it's cover, then read the back, thank you for the insight into these great books, I am thinking of starting up a book club meeting too, sounds like heaps of fun. Cannot wait to read those city of "" books they sound great, I love it when you can get so hooked you can read them overnight literally. Melxx